GATHER Exhibit Closing Party

GATHER Exhibit Closing Party


Sep 01, 2022


Join us at the Tacoma Art Museum to celebrate the end of GATHER. It’ll be the last chance to view this historic exhibit featuring Hilltop Artists alumni and teaching artists. The closing celebration will feature snacks and drinks along with music and an artists’ market!

Make sure to get in on time, as limited supplies of the Hilltop Artists x eTc x TAM clothing collaboration will be available for purchase!

Schedule of Events

5:00-8:00—Live music from DJ Chris

5:00-8:00—Hilltop Artists x eTc x TAM Pop-Up in TAM Studio

5:00-7:30—Hilltop Artists vendors Daria Hembree, Sam Scalise, Heather Cornelius, Doug Burgess, Mary Patton, and Luis Sanchez sell their creations in the TAM Lobby.

6:30-7:00—Final GATHER tour led by exhibition curator, Trenton Quiocho