Hilltop Artists Jamboree

Hilltop Artists Jamboree


Jun 17, 2024

Poster describing an event located at Hilltop Artists on June 17th from 3-6PM.

Hilltop Artists Jamboree

June 17, 2024, 3 – 6 PM
Hilltop Heritage Middle School, 602 N Sprague Ave, Tacoma, WA 98403

The Hilltop Jamboree will be a large, end-of-year gathering celebrating all things youth! Celebrate the start of summer with a student-organized field day with opportunities for students to share their talents and interests.

Participate in an open call art show where students can bring in a piece of art or make something to share at our pop-up gallery. Check out our clothing swap where students have an opportunity to to share their fashion sense and fix or augment clothing they swap. Plus, jump into a field day with games, activities, refreshments, prizes, and so much more!