spring appeal webpage slider
spring appeal webpage slider

Open your heart

Thank you!

Your generous support this Spring serves students like DiAndre and Jeremy who don’t have to pay a nickel to be Hilltop Artists this summer. You give them the opportunity to be part of a team and a safe place to just be kids.

$350 is what it takes to fully sponsor a Summer School student. Hilltop Artists served 108 students in our Summer School classes. Our goal is to have 30 students fully sponsored by caring members of our community like you.

Look at how many students you have already sponsored!

Let’s sponsor 30 students – $10,500 – by June 30th!

Students Sponsored

Goal: $10,500 by June 30th

$10950 Raised 104%

Sponsor More Students

Because of you, DiAndre has had a place after school to escape the stress and struggle of a homeless shelter for a few hours a week.

The highlight of DiAndre’s summer is glassblowing. He loves being a Hilltop Artist and how “hot glass makes your creativity flow.”

Last summer, DiAndre was worried. His best friend, Jeremy, was going through a rough patch. But he had an idea – he knew that being a Hilltop Artist meant having a place to go, meeting new friends, and creating art you could be proud of.

DiAndre made sure Jeremy signed up. They both had a blast and plan on being back this summer – you can help make their plan a reality…

Will you give students like DiAndre and Jeremy the most important part of their summer?
  • $50 gives a student glass materials for 1 week of summer school
  • $125 gives a student 1 week of summer school instruction
  • $250 gives a student 2 weeks of summer school instruction
  • $350 fully sponsors 1 summer school student